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How to Make Great Decisions in Life: Top 5 Practical Insights

Making great decisions can be tricky: there are many hidden traps and potential roadblocks you need to be aware of. Here are 5 practical, actionable insights to help you make the best possible decisions to improve your life. 1. Value is in the eye of the beholder How much is a gallon of water worth? …

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Personal Development Ebook Winners

Wow, more than 700 entries in our giveaway — thanks to all participants! Now it’s time to meet the lucky 12 who will receive their free ebooks… Here they are: Derek Watson, Ashley Nielsen, Susan Blackman, Akila, Naz, Vicky Buckland, Olaia, Bhaskar Jha, Cary, coy, Mary Frances, Adrian Chira (full draw results) Congratulations! I’ll get in touch …

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Personal Development Ebook Giveaway!

This weekend marked 3 years since the first post on Litemind! To celebrate the date, I have a special treat for you. For the past few days I have been talking to many fellow personal development bloggers… Many of them, in addition to their blogs’ free articles, also sell ebooks with premium content. These ebooks …

Personal Development Ebook Giveaway! Read More »

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6 New Productivity Principles to Live By

A while ago I laid out a small set of productivity principles that work exceptionally well. From that time on, I discovered 6 new principles that are as awesome as those. Check them out!

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The Relativity Mind Trap: How Comparisons Can Lead Us Astray

Our minds make sense of the world by making comparisons. Itas human nature, but it can also lead us to think irrationally and make bad decisions. Learn how this mind trap works and how to escape it.

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Framing Changes Everything

How you frame a problem profoundly influences the solutions you get. And itas too easy to fall into thinking traps when it comes to it. Letas look at one of these traps a and offer some ideas on how you can overcome it.

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Deconstructing Creativity: The 4 Roles You Need to Play to be Fully Creative

Do you want to be fully creative? To not only have wild ideas, but to actually create and bring remarkable things to life? Learn the 4 roles you need to perform, how they help unleash your creativity and how to master the skills each one requires.

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50 Ways to Get Your Life in Order

Unexpected challenges are what make us stronger, so donat avoid them. Keep in mind the following 50 tips and youall be able to streamline your life and get back on track with your life whenever you need.

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Are you stuck in a rut? Run from the experts!

When you're stuck, it's tempting to go seek help from the experts. After all, someone much more knowledgeable should be the best source of ideas, right? Well, maybe not.

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Beat Parkinsonas Law and Supercharge Your Productivity

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. Even if you are not familiar with its name, I’m sure you’ve fallen prey to Parkinson’s Law countless times… what can we do to escape it? Do You Recognize These Symptoms? We all know the drill: when we have too much time to …

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How to Get to Know Yourself

The question aWho am I?a can bring on a series of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but what if you donat know how to answer? Getting to know yourself is a life-long journey. Feeling lost or confused about who you are is more common than you may think, and weare here to help you find all the answers youare looking for. In this article, weall take you through different ways of getting to know yourself. By practicing self-awareness, exploring your personality, and fulfilling your needs, you can discover who you truly are and build a lasting relationship with yourself. So, what are you waiting for? We have an identity to find!

How to Happy Birthday Husband Funny

Unique, witty birthday tributes for that special man in your lifeLooking to make your husband laugh out loud with a funny birthday message? Whether youad like to tease him about his age, remind him of your favorite inside joke, or use witty wordplay to show how much you adore him, there are tons of ways to make your husband feel special on his birthday. Feel free to use these messages as they are or customize them to celebrate your husbandas unique personality. Letas get started!

How to Read Body Language

Reading body language, or non-verbal cues, is a way to infer things about people you see around you or have interactions with. When you know how to do it, reading body language can tell you a lot about someone's feelings, mental state, or what they really mean when theyare speaking (especially if theyare lying). Understanding non-verbal communication can even help you connect better with people and build better relationships, so take some notes!

How to Get Rid of a Headache

The best natural and medically-approved treatments to soothe and stop headache painIs there anything worse than a headache? Whether you have a minor throb or a debilitating migraine, they can be a mood buster. But what if we told you there were plenty of ways to help the pain fade away? In this article, weall teach you everything you need to know about getting rid of a headache, from at-home care to over-the-counter medications. With our help, youall be able to soothe your head and prevent future headaches from coming on.

How to Build Character

What can you do to become a better person?So, you want to become a better person. You want to build acharacter.a But what does that mean exactly? Character comes from the Greek word kharakter, meaning ato engrave.a When someone has character, theyare trustworthy, honest, humble, dependable, and courageousathey have every positive personality trait in the book! Building character doesnat happen overnight; itas something you gain from experience. Weall fill you in on the best ways you can start building your character in this article. With our help and a bit of dedication, you can become the person you want to be.

How to What's Cooking Good Looking

Your complete guide to this old-school American slang expression aWhatas cooking, good looking?a is a playful way of asking someone what theyare doing or what theyare up to. Itas often a flirty greeting to show interest in someone, but it can also be used to start a conversation with a friend or someone you know well, like a close colleague. In this article, weall go over exactly what aWhatas cooking, good looking?a means, plus show you the wittiest ways to reply and where this saying came from.

How to Calm an Aggressive Cat

An aggressive cat can be hard to deal with, but it's important to remember that the cat is either afraid or was poorly socialized as a kitten. They may attack you, other people, or other animals in your house. To calm an aggressive cat during an attack, you need to give it space and divert its attention away from the fight. To change an aggressive cat's behavior in general, you need to get to the root of the animal's behavior and make it feel safe and comfortable. If you are unable to calm your aggressive cat on your own, you can also seek out help from an animal professional, such as a veterinarian or an animal behaviorist.

How to Why Do I Feel Weird

Explore the physical and mental reasons you might be feeling aoffaAre you feeling weird or off but canat put your finger on why? Maybe youare fatigued, nervous, or on edge, but you canat think of a reason for these feelings. Itas completely normal to have an aoffa day once in a while, and itas usually not a cause for concern. Identifying the reasons behind these feelings can help you cope with them and take steps to feel better. Weall take you through reasons you might be feeling weird, from emotional and mental factors to physical causes. Weall also go through a list of things you can do to address these things and start feeling more like yourself again.

How to Be Funny

Humor can help you connect with other people and make unpleasant situations a little more bearable. Being funny might seem like it takes a lot of work, but it's not that hard once you tap into your inner sense of humor. Even if you donat think youare naturally funny, there are things you can do to make yourself and other people laugh.

How to Braid Hair

A guide to mastering the art of braidingThereas nothing more stylish and chic than a perfectly pleated braid. Not only does a nice braid keep your hair out of your face, but it also adds a fun atwista to your everyday look. If youare a beginner ready to dive into braiding, this article is perfect for you. By the time youare done reading, youall know the ins and outs of braiding and will have a brand-new look to show off to your friends.

How to Spot a Fake Person

Thereas no getting around itawe all have days where we say something we regret. But what about the people who are constantly negative and self-centered? Also known as afake people,a these individuals can be a constant drain on your emotional and mental well-being. Donat worry. Weave put together plenty of tips and tricks to help you pinpoint all the fake people in your life, so you can spend more time with your genuine friends.

How to Be Social at a Party

Whether youare shy or you want to get better at being social, there are lots of things you can do to let loose and have fun at parties. Make some new friends by talking to people and getting to know them through conversation. Do an activity that gets people together to have fun. If you feel uncomfortable, bring friends to the party or hang out with people you know before you meet new friends.

How to Respond to Whats Up

Youare minding your own business when a aWhatas up?a is thrown your way. You may hear this friendly phrase from a friend, crush, coworker, or stranger. They want to know what and how youare doing, so what do you say? Weave put together a list of the best responses to aWhatas up?a so youall know exactly what to say in any situation.

How to Dark Psychology

Learn the psychological tricks used by manipulators to get what they want Dark psychology refers to a set of manipulative personality traits that are comorbid with one another. The main personality traits required for a person to have a dark psychology personality are narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianismaa trio of traits known as the adark triad.a Here, weall explore what dark psychology is, cover the tricks and strategies for using dark psychology, and break down what you can do to stop or prevent these tactics yourself.

How to Invest in Yourself

What does it mean to invest in yourself? It's even more valuable than just investing money in profitable ventures. Investing in yourself means making decisions in every aspecting positive, mindful habits that improve every area of your life from your finances to your career, health, and relationships. Read on, and we'll show you how to take action and invest in yourself starting today!

How to Win an I Love You More Argument

How do you possibly win an "I love you more" argument? It turns out that there are a ton of waysayou just have to get creative! Here, we'll share some sweet and sassy comebacks that will make your SO admit defeat. Read on to come out on top the next time you hear "I love you more."

How to Avoid Letting Pessimistic People Get You Down

Is there a pessimist in your life a a person who thinks about the negative aspects of a situation more than the positive? If you are someone who is optimistic and cheerful, it may be difficult to understand and cope with a pessimistas outlook. The strategy to not let a person with glass-half-empty thinking get you down is to reduce the effect pessimism has on you, communicate effectively with those who have a less-positive outlook, and to educate yourself about pessimism.

How to Be Authentic

When a person is authentic, it means that they act in ways that genuinely show how they feel. They do this rather than putting on different faces around different people, or tailoring their personality based on context. Personal authenticity is the daily expression of your core beliefs and personality. To be authentic, you need to accept yourself for who you are, and treat others with respect. Authentic people display a consistent set of values, and don't change their behavior from one conversation to the next.

How to Do a Push Up

A complete guide to performing the perfect push-up and building upper body strength Want a great bodyweight workout that doesnat need a lot of equipment? Push-ups are so great for working your arms, shoulders, and chest, and theyare easy to add to any workout. Just get into position wherever you have enough floor space and you can do your reps! Before you start exercising, weave got a few things to keep in mind about your form so you start building up your muscles. Keep reading and weall cover how to do a push-up properly and how to adjust your routine so theyare easier or more challenging.

How to Myers Briggs Compatibility

Discover the most and least compatible MBTI pairingsIf you're on the dating scene, you may have seen Myers-Briggs types listed in people's dating profiles, and potential partners may have even asked you what your type is. But what does the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) mean when it comes to romance? If youare curious about the romantic compatibility of different Myers-Briggs types, youave come to the right place. Weall explain what the MBTI is and go through the most and least compatible matches for each personality type, so keep reading!

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